Wednesday 5 December 2012

Care your desk fan

Desk fan is a device with a given motor spins the propeller and can produce winds that can make indoor air heat to cool. Desk fan removable and easy to carry from the air permanently. desk fan price is also cheaper and can be found at electronics stores.

Treatment desk fan is very easy and inexpensive. If you can take care of your desk fan no longer need to spend money to buy a new desk fan.

How to care your desk fan
  • Put a desk fan at the right place and secure.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Avoid temperature is too extreme because it can damage the desk fan.
  • Avoid the desk fan with water because it can damage the electronic components that are inside
  • Use an electric current as the power source setandar desk fan.
  • Check the power cable is still good apaka desk fan or peeling.
  • Clean desk fan from dust with a soft, dry cloth.
  • always check the motor of the desk fan.
  • If the desk fan is damaged must be repaired by an expert.

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