Wednesday 13 February 2013

Care Your Motorcycle

Motor is a tool that can deliver you to a place without wasting energy. the motor is a practical means of transportation, as it is easy to carry and can be all over the place including a narrow road. You may have a motor in your home or you have more than one motor at home. Besides the price is relatively cheaper than a car, motorcycle maintenance is also easier. even if there is damage to spare parts, motorcycle spare parts prices are much cheaper than cars.

Your bike must be maintained in order to remain durable and long life. Motor should be regularly taken to a bike workshop to check the engine and oil change. If the bike dirty immediately cleaned and washed to avoid rusting. You can perform a simple way to care for your bike.

How to care your motorcycle?
  • Always pay attention to the condition of the engine, chain, tires, oil, brake, clutch on your bike, immediately replace the damaged parts with new ones to maintain safety while driving.
  • Always perform regular maintenance on your motorcycle, take it to the garage to check the condition of the engine and oil.
  • If your bike exposed to dust you can clean with a soft cloth, when exposed to rain water in order to wash and dry the frame of the bike is not rusty.
  • Do not allow minors driving with the motor, because it could endanger yourself and other road users.
    Always use a helmet standards for safety driving.
  • You can practice.

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