Thursday 23 May 2013

Washing Your Car

You may rarely or never even wash your car yourself. If you've never tried it try washing your car at home. Car wash itself has its own sensations, in addition to fun we can also save money. Car washing is to eliminate fatigue entertainment outside. Car wash can make your mind and body become more fit, because when washing our mind will be relaxed and sweat out so it can nourish the body. Moreover, added the morning sun is not too hot when washing, the body will be healthier in the morning sunlight.

When washing the car should use the tools and the correct ways. Car wash is a trivial job, but if we are wrong then the car will be damaged. Before washing prepare the first equipment to be used like a dry and wet wipes, liquid silicone or liquid to wash cars, lubricants, fresh water and clean, chamois cloth. If you want to wash your own car at home there are ways that you can practice.

How to washing your car?
  • Before washing the car, first prepare the equipment to be used as a wet cloth and a dry cloth, silicone, liquid soap, chamois cloth and the most important is water. Water used for washing the car is clean, fresh water, because if you use salt water will make the car rusting.
  • Flush with water all over the car body, car body, including the roof, the roof of the car and the bottom of the car, sebaiknaya hose for easier use when watering.
  • After flushing with water, liquid soap mixed with a little water then apply to all parts of the car until the flat, scrub clean with a damp cloth
  • Having smeared liquid soap, flush the entire body of the car with soapy water until the rest is lost.
  • Wipe the body of the car with a chamois dry thoroughly, wipe dry the car boby, if there is residual water left behind is likely to make the car body rust.
  • Once dry the car body, silicone spray to the entire body of the car and then wipe with a dry cloth, use a soft cloth to gently wipe.
  • Squirt lube oil if there is a rusty car body parts so as not severe.
  • For the inside of the car enough with silicone spray on the car seat and the dashboard then wipe with a dry cloth to clean.
  • Do not use liquid soap with a coarse fiber because it can make the car body scratched.
  • You can practice.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Care Tires Your Motorcycle and Car

Tire is part of a motorcycle or a car that is very vital. Tire function so that the wheels can walk on the road and asphalt. Good tires are tires made ​​of high quality rubber material and make the rider comfortable. Tires are functioning properly will make your journey on the road to a more secure and comfortable.

Bicycle tires and check your car every morning in order to function properly. If a flat tire or less air pressure immediately added air pressure with a tire pump. do not let you lose the speed of the car when the tire is used less because of a flat tire pressure .. Car and bike so much smoother drove down the road if the tires in good shape.

Immediately replace the tire if it starts to wear out and the rubber out. If not promptly replaced will endanger yourself. You can use the following suggestions to take care of the tires.

How to care tires your motorcycle and car?
  • Every morning when you would go to the office by bike or car do not forget to check the tire pressure. Immediately added tire pressure if less, a good tire pressure will make tires drove over the asphalt as well.
  • Clean the tires if exposed to mud and dirt like oil, wipe it clean with mud and oil would be dangerous because it makes the slick tires.
  • Choose rubber tires with the best quality, the best rubber tires will make the grip stronger with asphalt.
  • Immediately replace the tires on the bike and car tires are already running out of layers of rubber, if not replaced immediately be dangerous and self-defeating.
  • Put tires properly.
  • You can practice.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Care Your Watch

Every time we would look at the clock to mengetaui time now. Every morning waking fitting the first thing seen by Most people are are looking at the clock to the current time. Various types of watches clock, wall clock, table clock, etc.. Usefulness at its core is the same clock that is to look at the time now. Hours is helpful to set up a schedule in accordance with the specified time.

Maybe you yourself have more than one type of watches, wall clocks and table clocks. Every room in your home may be a wall-mounted clock and there is also a clock on the table. Every time you will see your work right at that time.

Hours was relatively low prices but there is also an expensive clock. hour is the best treatment to make your watch more durable and long lasting as well as make you to downsize.
How to care your watch?
  • Regularly clean the clock of the dust on the clock, if dust gets inside the machine at the hour would make substandard performance.
  • If your watch is not waterproof hours, not to watch and take in water exposed because mesih hours to make a short-circuit.
  • Put your watch in a safe place after use.
  • Do not drop your watch because it can be broken and damaged.
  • You can practice.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Care Your Bathroom

The bathrooms are clean will make you linger at home for bathing, washing or playing water in it. The bathrooms are clean will create a nice atmosphere in the bath. Setap day morning, noon, afternoon we would go to the bathroom either urinate, defecate, bathe or even replace pakian. The bathrooms were clean, fragrant and comfortable will make the germs in the bathroom will die.

Splashes leftover soap in the bath will make the bathroom wall and floor slippery and dirty. If the remaining soap attached to the walls and floors not cleaned will be a crust that can damage the ceramic material on the walls and floor. Crust from the remains of the old soap that is left will be difficult to remove and will blend with the tile. The water in the tub is not replaced or drained to make the water turbid and the tub will be dirty and crusty.

clean your bathroom on a regular basis in order to create the bathrooms were clean and healthy. You can do it yourself with simple ways.

How to care your bathroom?
  • Clean up the remaining soap on the bathroom wall with a cleaner and then wipe with a dry cloth, wipe evenly.
  • Drain the tub and replace the water regularly to prevent mosquito larva and bacteria thrive in water, as well as to replace the water that is cloudy cloudy with clear water that will make a fresh bath.
  • Clean the soap remnants on the floor that is not slippery, slippery floors would be dangerous in the bath.
  • Put bathroom deodorizer so that the atmosphere in the bathroom to be more fresh.
  • Make the air vent in the bathroom enough to allow air to enter and exit the bathroom.
  • You can practice.

Care Your Swimmingpool

You may have a fancy house in which there are several facilities including a swimming pool. Of course, very exciting if you have the private pool and could merenang every day. Your body will look more proportionate if you are diligent swim. Of course not everyone has a private swimming pool at his home. Those who do not have private pools will go to a public pool with a paid ticket to enter.

You may be the owner of your private pool or who work to care for a public pool. Swimming pools should be treated well that can still be used and avoid the various bacteria that are inside. Public swimming pool that many users tend to be a lot of germs and bacteria in the water. In addition to ceramic germ pool should also be considered to be more durable. To care for a swimming pool you can use a simple way without having to spend a lot of money.

How to care your swimmingpool?
  • Replace existing water in the pool on a regular basis, it will kill mosquito larvae and bacteria that grow in water. Use clear and clean water while swimming in order to be healthy.
  • Periodically drain the pool and clean the crusts and dirt on tile, clean the surface thoroughly so that the pool looks clean when filled with water.
  • If hard water area so the water pools are rarely replaced with new water, use a safe drug to maintain the clarity of the pool water and kill germs and bacteria in the water, such as chlorine powder.
  • patikan anyone who would swim to wear a bathing suit, because when a party wear or office wear paikan fear no bacteria attached to the clothing.
  • Anyone who swim must be in good health, had no skin disease because it can be transmitted in water.
  • Keep around the pool, make waterways surrounding the pool to clean the dirt in the foot while going for a swim.
  • You can practice.

Friday 10 May 2013

Clean Your Woods Furniture

Wooden furniture is furniture made of wood such as teak, sengon, mahogany, jackfruit wood, etc.. Wooden furniture is one of the costly furniture and rare, because the wood is now difficult to obtain. Looting of large trees in the forest on a large scale without permission to make forest destruction. The trees that are hundreds of years old lost looted parties are not responsible. This leads to a population of wood for furniture material increasingly difficult to find.

Now the furniture made of wood tend to be more expensive, the most expensive is wood furniture made ​​of teak wood hundreds of years old. The hunters will hunt furniture teak wood to make tables, chairs, couches, cabinets, doors, windows, etc.. Teak wood has a beautiful fiber, typical color and sweet aroma and a strong and lightweight wood. Many people who hunt teak to remote villages so the price is very expensive teak wood, like the price of gold is increasingly expensive. In addition to teak, other wood such as mahogany, wood sengon, jackfruit wood is also good for furniture.

Wooden furniture will give the room a natural feel to your home. Wood furniture will provide color, fiber and natural wood characteristic odor. Natural environment will be created in the rooms of the house so that you will feel at home. in the room will feel like in a forest with many trees and fresh air.

take care of your wood furniture well, because the furniture is maintained to provide high investment value. Wood furniture can be passed on to future offspring. There are several tips that can be used to care for wooden furniture.

How to clean your woods furniture?
  • Place the wooden furniture in a protected location, means protected from the sun and rain. If wooden furniture exposed to direct sunlight will make the color fade wood and wood will rot.
  • Coat the outside of the wood with varnish or paint the wood to taste, you should coat the teak wood with varnish to get a teak color patterns typical. Varnish and paint aka protect the wood from the temperature of the air outside.
  • Place your wood furniture pda safe position, means avoid eating animals such as termites and wood rats.
  • Clean the wood from dust with a soft cloth, can be sprayed with liquid silicone then wipe.
  • You can practice.

Care you mirror

Glass there is an assortment of uses, mirror glass, automobile glass, glass for cendela and doors, there is also a glass eye. There is a lot of glass colors, no black, clear and colorful glass. Glass thickness also vary, there are some that 1 mm to 10 mm thick. Glass material used also made ​​of plastic glass, mica, and glass.

Every morning when you leave for work will continue to wear bathing clothes, then dressed in front of a mirror. The mirror glass is made from a given layer on the back so that it can reflect shadow as the original. If women customarily go anywhere if definitive take cosmetics and makeup. Wear powder and lipstick in the mirror let me visible results. Mirror will give the feel of a well maintained beautiful when mirrored.

Mirror easily soiled by dust-dust. if the dirt on the mirror was not left long it will create a layer of glass in a broken mirror. Glass on a mirror will become dull and eventually glass layer will disappear so the mirror can not be used. It would be nice if you take care to keep it shining mirror. There are some tips for caring for a mirror.

How to care your mirror?
  • Putting a mirror in a safe place, usually hung on the wall or stick behind the door. this is to avoid being bumped and broken mirror.
  • Regularly clean the mirror of dirt and dust-dust, dirt on the mirror if left too long will damage the coating on the mirror so that the mirror glass will be broken.
  • Do not hit much less slamming mirror, because the mirror is made of breakable glass.
  • Make a frame on the mirror so that the mirror is more beautiful to look at and more secure.
  • Good mirror will make you dazzle.
  • You can practice.

Monday 6 May 2013

Care Your Fan Computer

The fan on the computer has the function of a pending computer hardware to prevent rapid heat. Work very hard because the computer fan spins constantly. If the fan is dead then the computer will heat up quickly and the computer will automatically turn off. If the fan is dead then the computer will be broken. so here the role of the cooling fan on the computer hardware is essential.

Computer fan has a different round, if the condition of the hardware is getting hot then the fan will spin faster, otherwise if the condition of the computer hardware is still cold then the fan will spin slower. Work will be more severe if the fan on the computer hot conditions. Fans will be broken if the computer is in the heat continues. There are some tips for caring for the fan on your computer.
How to care your fan computer?
  • Attach the fan to the proper location on the target hardware, not too much so that the fan does not work hard and stay cool hardware.
  • Clean the fan from dirt, debris can interfere with the work on the fan when the fan spins.
  • Should use more than one fan on the computer, if necessary, the fan on the outside. Many fan will make the computer stays cool and the fan work lighter.
  • Choose a good fan to be more durable and long lasting, so no need to waste money to replace the new fan.
  • You can practice.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Care Your Clothing

You may be one of those lucky ones who have more than one type of clothing. obtaining or even daily changing clothes. For example, types of clothing for the office, a party, to play, to travel, to swim, etc.. You may not know very well how many clothes you have, t-shirts, shirts, trousers, suits, jackets, ties, etc.. Every day you are shopping to buy new clothes, spending money to buy clothes.

If you can save for not shopping for clothes too you can use your money for other purposes. You do not need to wear a new outfit for the day-to-day activities. You just have some kind of clothes that you can wear every day. Of course this will reduce the cost to buy clothes.

from now on take care of your clothing to make it more durable, more fragrant so comfortable to wear. Fabric on garments will last longer if cared for every day that the colors remain bright and fragrant. You can take care of clothes on clothes wash services or you can do it yourself at home, there are some tips for caring for your clothes.

How to care your clothing?
  • Wash clothes every day after use with clean water and clothes with soap, use a soft brush to wash for tough stains disappear.
  • Soak clothes a few minutes with a little soap and water if there is a persistent stain, then rinse with water.
  • Keep your clothes in the closet are covered to keep dust and animals such as cockroaches, rats, lizards, can not enter. Give deodorizer in the closet to keep the air in the closet still fragrant.
  • For clothes seberti thick coat, jacket can be hung in a closet to make it more durable.
  • Use the clothes for them intelligently.
  • You can practice.

Friday 3 May 2013

Care Your Keys

In your pants pocket may be slipping more than one key,  lock motors, his key to the car, house keys, key cabinets or even your refrigerator locks carry. You may not be difficult to tell which car keys and house keys which. If not careful the key is in your pants pocket can be tucked and fell. You will not notice if you dropped the key and just knew when you reached into his pocket to find the key was not in the. You will be confused when the fall had been a key to the house and you want to go home. You will find a locksmith to force open your home with fake keys. False lock will damage the lock because the key is not in accordance with the home key.

To avoid that kind of thing you need to pay attention to where your key so that was not tucked. Lost key will be difficult to find due to its small key size. You can practice the tips below.

How to care your keys?
  • Should store the key in the same place or a place that is easy to remember so as not to get confused when looking for it.
  • Do not force the lock on the key that does not fit because it will break the lock and the key itself.
  • If the lock that fits the key is hard to get in, put a little oil into the oil house key lock and enter into it.
  • If you lose your house keys or room should immediately replace the new key.
  • Should be given a key to a key chain, so that if it falls can be found easil.
  • You can practice.

Care Your Electric Irons

Setrika listrik adalah alat yang digunakan untuk setrika pakaian, gaun, kemeja, celana, dll. Setiap pagi biasanya Anda menggunakan besi untuk meluruskan pakaian Anda harus rapi. sebelum Anda berangkat kerja atau sebelum Anda dapat memasarkan untuk merapikan pakaian Anda dengan papan sehingga Anda terlihat lebih rapi.

Setrika listrik mungkin barang-barang murah dan dapat dibeli di toko-toko elektronik terdekat. Penggunaan sembarangan setiap setrika listrik, biasanya digunakan setelah ditempatkan di sembarang tempat atau ditempatkan langsung di lantai. jika Anda bisa mengurus setrika listrik Anda mungkin Anda dapat menyimpan uang Anda untuk tujuan lain.

How to care your electric irons?
  • Use electric iron for ironing clothes as needed.
  • Do not overcook your ironing clothes with electric irons, if it is used to remove the old ironing board and let stand a few moments, after cold electric irons you can continue ironing again.
  • Use electrical power in accordance with the electrical power on your electric irons, electrical power corresponding to the maximum heat yielding electric irons.
  • Once completed use, be sure to keep your electric irons do not expose the skin because it is still hot.
  • Keep out electric irons of reach of children.
  • You can practice.