Friday 3 May 2013

Care Your Keys

In your pants pocket may be slipping more than one key,  lock motors, his key to the car, house keys, key cabinets or even your refrigerator locks carry. You may not be difficult to tell which car keys and house keys which. If not careful the key is in your pants pocket can be tucked and fell. You will not notice if you dropped the key and just knew when you reached into his pocket to find the key was not in the. You will be confused when the fall had been a key to the house and you want to go home. You will find a locksmith to force open your home with fake keys. False lock will damage the lock because the key is not in accordance with the home key.

To avoid that kind of thing you need to pay attention to where your key so that was not tucked. Lost key will be difficult to find due to its small key size. You can practice the tips below.

How to care your keys?
  • Should store the key in the same place or a place that is easy to remember so as not to get confused when looking for it.
  • Do not force the lock on the key that does not fit because it will break the lock and the key itself.
  • If the lock that fits the key is hard to get in, put a little oil into the oil house key lock and enter into it.
  • If you lose your house keys or room should immediately replace the new key.
  • Should be given a key to a key chain, so that if it falls can be found easil.
  • You can practice.

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