Sunday, 19 May 2013

Care Tires Your Motorcycle and Car

Tire is part of a motorcycle or a car that is very vital. Tire function so that the wheels can walk on the road and asphalt. Good tires are tires made ​​of high quality rubber material and make the rider comfortable. Tires are functioning properly will make your journey on the road to a more secure and comfortable.

Bicycle tires and check your car every morning in order to function properly. If a flat tire or less air pressure immediately added air pressure with a tire pump. do not let you lose the speed of the car when the tire is used less because of a flat tire pressure .. Car and bike so much smoother drove down the road if the tires in good shape.

Immediately replace the tire if it starts to wear out and the rubber out. If not promptly replaced will endanger yourself. You can use the following suggestions to take care of the tires.

How to care tires your motorcycle and car?
  • Every morning when you would go to the office by bike or car do not forget to check the tire pressure. Immediately added tire pressure if less, a good tire pressure will make tires drove over the asphalt as well.
  • Clean the tires if exposed to mud and dirt like oil, wipe it clean with mud and oil would be dangerous because it makes the slick tires.
  • Choose rubber tires with the best quality, the best rubber tires will make the grip stronger with asphalt.
  • Immediately replace the tires on the bike and car tires are already running out of layers of rubber, if not replaced immediately be dangerous and self-defeating.
  • Put tires properly.
  • You can practice.

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